CPSP2023 Newsletter: The Ginkgo Leaf, Spring/Summer 2024

Founder’s Note …

My warmest wishes to you, your cherished loved ones and friends—a happy, healthy and hopeful 2024 to you!  So far, I have received many positive and thoughtful reviews from fellow cancer sojourners and CPSP friends about our charter newsletter (published in November 20230)—I appreciate your time and support, so please keep sharing!

Over this past winter, I hope you’ve been able to use the discounts to save some money, to help mitigate cancer-related and unforeseen expenses.  One of my BIG HOPES is to provide micro grants (one day, hopefully sooner than later!) to cancer patients  with the greatest needs, to those who are on public assistance and just starting their cancer-recovery journeys, or are disabled by cancer in some way.  For instance, micro grants would mean getting groceries (or Ensure) delivered for a couple of months, or a small appliance to help prepare meals more easily, and so on.  Without question, this is a long-term goal, but  already on my todo list.  If you have suggestions and ideas, please drop me a note; you’ll help realize ‘‘the big hope’ that much quicker!

Also in terms of programs development, CPSP2023 continues to build strong ties with existing partners as well as forge new partnerships to help ease the cancer-recovery journey in every possible way.  As mentioned in the last newsletter, one of the programs being developed is a ‘healing methods’ program—LIVING THE IDEA that there are multiple means to heal the body.  Methods such as acupuncture, meditation, tai chi and yoga employ the human body as a focal point.  In tandem with your participation, your spirit, body and mind become connected conduits for health, wellness and longevity.

Complementary to immunotherapy, my ‘healing methods’ regimen include acupuncture and herbal salves to ease a serious case of neuropathy.  Plus slowly, I’ve incorporated tai chi to help strengthen my core muscles and to help rebuild my immunity (see pages 6 and 7 for more info).  At this point, I am able to walk more than 3 miles regularly.  All in all, I’m trying to get myself ready for a 5k cancer walk.  This summer, I hope to see you there, too!

Additionally, I’ve become a ‘cancer buddy’ to a couple of fellow sojourners.  S, S (initials only to protect their privacy) and I have been ‘walking together’ through their treatments for the past few months.  Also, T has been cheering me on while I prepared and recovered from a couple of surgeries recently.  For now, we embody the cancer ‘buddies program’ (an extension of the Cancer Walkers Program).  We send each other positive vibes; plus, we pray for and cheer each other on towards a speedier recovery!  If you are interested in being a buddy  (a recovery cheerleader) to someone going through treatments (ie, chemo, radiation, surgery), please send us a note or contact us via CPSP2023’s website!


Like so many sites on the web, ours is a work in progress, too. So please visit more than once for updated info!  Also, go online to subscribe to future newsletters.  Getting an electronic copy is SUPER HELPFUL to the environment (ie, less paper used = less trees destroyed).  Lastly, please remember to give us your suggestions for the greater good of the cancer patients-n-survivors’ community—drop us a note and share!  I remain deeply honored and blessed to have this cancer opportunity to serve you and your loved ones!  HAPPY SPRING & SUMMER TO YOU AND YOURS—stay well, healthy and on the road to full recovery from cancer!  Vivien


CPSP2023 Charter Newsletter, Winter 2023


Upcoming Issue: Fall / Winter 2024